Saturday 24 September 2016

SQL function to remove non alphabet characters

SQL function to remove non alphabet characters


In this example we explain that how to remove non alphabet character from string in SQL Server.or fetch the string without non alphabet character or removing non alphabet character from string using SQL Server function.

Here we create one SQL Server user defined function that will return string or text with removing non alphabet character in SQL we simply input the value to SQL Server function and it will returns the string or value with removing non alphabet character.

So below is the SQL Server user defined function that will remove non alphabet characters from the given input value.

CREATE Function [dbo].[RemoveNonAlphabetCharactersFromInputedValue](@Val VarChar(1000))
Returns VarChar(1000)
    Declare @RegExp as varchar(50)
    Set @RegExp = '%[^a-z]%'
    While PatIndex(@RegExp, @Val) > 0
        Set @Val = Stuff(@Val, PatIndex(@RegExp, @Val), 1, '')   
    Return @Val

--Execute Query After Create Above Function

SELECT dbo.[RemoveNonAlphabetCharactersFromInputedValue]('Hello kirit,88& 123, How are you?')
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