Thursday 7 November 2013


In this Example  I will explain how we can Drag Rows from one Source GridView and then drop it in another Destination GridView in ASP.Net using jQuery.

Here we use the Jquery to simply select the row and drag it from one gridview to another gridview simply same like we drag the menuitem from List Control.

Here is a code of Jquery are as follows :

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
                items: 'tr:not(tr:first-child)',
                cursor: 'crosshair',
                connectWith: '.drag_drop_grid',
                axis: 'y',
                dropOnEmpty: true,
                receive: function (e, ui) {
            $("[id*=gvDest] tr:not(tr:first-child)").remove();

Look the above code we simply use the two method of Jquery are Append and Remove for Add and Remove item from Gridview.

to show Example of How to Upload File to Database and bind to Gridview Uplaod File and Bind to gridview

How to Read and write File in Asp.Net Read and Write File

To Create Nested Gridview in Asp.Net click here Nested Gridview example Example

Drag and Drop rows in gridview from one grid to another grid in Asp.Net using JQuery


In this Example  I will explain how we can Drag Rows from one Source GridView and then drop it in another Destination GridView in ASP.Net using jQuery.

Here we use the Jquery to simply select the row and drag it from one gridview to another gridview simply same like we drag the menuitem from List Control.

Here is a code of Jquery are as follows :

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
                items: 'tr:not(tr:first-child)',
                cursor: 'crosshair',
                connectWith: '.drag_drop_grid',
                axis: 'y',
                dropOnEmpty: true,
                receive: function (e, ui) {
            $("[id*=gvDest] tr:not(tr:first-child)").remove();

Look the above code we simply use the two method of Jquery are Append and Remove for Add and Remove item from Gridview.

to show Example of How to Upload File to Database and bind to Gridview Uplaod File and Bind to gridview

How to Read and write File in Asp.Net Read and Write File

To Create Nested Gridview in Asp.Net click here Nested Gridview example Example