Monday 30 December 2013


            In previous Example we Explain that How to Export Gridview data to Excelsheet in Asp.Net  Export Gridview data to excelsheet in but now in this example we explain that how to Export Gridview Data to Excel sheet in MVC4.

This is very useful when we have to generally Create a Report or you can Directally print the Document

you have to set Content Type of the page Before sending or Exporting data to ExcelSheet like
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";

to show example of WCF service for insert,update,delete CRUD operation using WCF service

check the Extention of file when upload upload only image or word file

there are number of steps to follow how to Export or transfer Gridview or webgird data to Excelsheet Database file.

step 1:- First create a LinqtoSQL class in Model folder and drag and srop the table that you have to use in example.

step 2:- create a controller like exportgridtoexcel in controller Folder.

step 3:- create a view page For display the details we have to create a view page for that in the exportgridtoexcel controller add following code.

   DataClasses1DataContext dc = new DataClasses1DataContext();
        public ActionResult Index()
            var lst = (from p in dc.movies select p).ToList();
            return View(lst);

step 4:-Then for export the data to excel add following code to the exportgridtoexcel Controller

   public List<movie> fetch()
             var lst = (from p in dc.movies select p);
            return lst.ToList();

        public ActionResult ExportData()
            GridView gv = new GridView();
            gv.DataSource =fetch();
            Response.Buffer = true;
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Marklist.xls");
            Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
            Response.Charset = "";
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

            return RedirectToAction("Index");

MVC Example for Export or transfer Gridview Data to Excelsheet File in MVC4


            In previous Example we Explain that How to Export Gridview data to Excelsheet in Asp.Net  Export Gridview data to excelsheet in but now in this example we explain that how to Export Gridview Data to Excel sheet in MVC4.

This is very useful when we have to generally Create a Report or you can Directally print the Document

you have to set Content Type of the page Before sending or Exporting data to ExcelSheet like
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";

to show example of WCF service for insert,update,delete CRUD operation using WCF service

check the Extention of file when upload upload only image or word file

there are number of steps to follow how to Export or transfer Gridview or webgird data to Excelsheet Database file.

step 1:- First create a LinqtoSQL class in Model folder and drag and srop the table that you have to use in example.

step 2:- create a controller like exportgridtoexcel in controller Folder.

step 3:- create a view page For display the details we have to create a view page for that in the exportgridtoexcel controller add following code.

   DataClasses1DataContext dc = new DataClasses1DataContext();
        public ActionResult Index()
            var lst = (from p in dc.movies select p).ToList();
            return View(lst);

step 4:-Then for export the data to excel add following code to the exportgridtoexcel Controller

   public List<movie> fetch()
             var lst = (from p in dc.movies select p);
            return lst.ToList();

        public ActionResult ExportData()
            GridView gv = new GridView();
            gv.DataSource =fetch();
            Response.Buffer = true;
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Marklist.xls");
            Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
            Response.Charset = "";
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

            return RedirectToAction("Index");

Thursday 26 December 2013


In this Example we explain that how to bind an Accordion Control with a database in DataList Control or any other Data Control in ASP.Net using which we create how to bind Dynamically Load Data into Accordion Control using Code Behind Dataset.

What is  Ajax Accordion control:

The Accordion is a web control that allows you to provide multiple panes in which you can Defined the Description of this panes and display only one at a time.  Each Accordion Panes control has a template for its Header and its Content. Header is the Heading of the pane and Content is the Description of the panes .

For Example:-
                        Header is the what is AJAX. Then Content is the AJAX is a Asynchronous javascript and xml.
Accordion supports three Auto Size modes so Accordion can fit in a variety of layouts.
  • None -  Accordion grows/shrinks without restriction. This can cause other elements on your page to move up and down with it.
  • Limit -  Accordion never grows larger than the value specified by its Height property. This will cause the content to scroll if it is too large to be displayed.
  • Fill -  Accordion always stays the exact same size as its Height property. This will cause the content to be expanded or shrunk if it isn't the right size.

Property of Accordion Control:-

  • SelectedIndex - The AccordionPane to be initially visible
  • Panes - Collection of Accordion Pane controls
  • HeaderTemplate - The Header template contains the markup that should be used for an pane's header when databinding
  • ContentTemplate - The Content template contains the markup that should be used for a pane's content when databinding
  • DataSource - The data source to use. DataBind() must be called.
  • DataSourceID - The ID of the data source to use.
  • DataMember - The member to bind to when using a DataSourceID

  • HeaderCssClass -  CSS class name for the headers. .
  • HeaderSelectedCssClass -  CSS class name for the selected header.
  • FadeTransitions – generally True or false. True means  the fading transition effect, false means standard transitions.
  • TransitionDuration - Number of milliseconds to animate the transitions
  • FramesPerSecond - Number of frames per second used in the transition animations
  • AutoSize - Restrict the growth of the Accordion. The values of the AutoSize enumeration are described above.
  • RequireOpenedPane - Prevent closing the currently opened pane when its header is clicked (which ensures one pane is always open). The default value is true.
  • SuppressHeaderPostbacks - Prevent the client-side click handlers of elements inside a header from firing (this is especially useful when you want to include hyperlinks in your headers for accessibility)

Example of Ajax password strength Ajax password checker 

Read and write File in Read/write File in Asp.Net 

Bind Excelsheet data to Gridview Control CRUD operation in Excel database 

to download Complete Example click below download link
download here!

how to bind data in Ajax accordion control in


In this Example we explain that how to bind an Accordion Control with a database in DataList Control or any other Data Control in ASP.Net using which we create how to bind Dynamically Load Data into Accordion Control using Code Behind Dataset.

What is  Ajax Accordion control:

The Accordion is a web control that allows you to provide multiple panes in which you can Defined the Description of this panes and display only one at a time.  Each Accordion Panes control has a template for its Header and its Content. Header is the Heading of the pane and Content is the Description of the panes .

For Example:-
                        Header is the what is AJAX. Then Content is the AJAX is a Asynchronous javascript and xml.
Accordion supports three Auto Size modes so Accordion can fit in a variety of layouts.
  • None -  Accordion grows/shrinks without restriction. This can cause other elements on your page to move up and down with it.
  • Limit -  Accordion never grows larger than the value specified by its Height property. This will cause the content to scroll if it is too large to be displayed.
  • Fill -  Accordion always stays the exact same size as its Height property. This will cause the content to be expanded or shrunk if it isn't the right size.

Property of Accordion Control:-

  • SelectedIndex - The AccordionPane to be initially visible
  • Panes - Collection of Accordion Pane controls
  • HeaderTemplate - The Header template contains the markup that should be used for an pane's header when databinding
  • ContentTemplate - The Content template contains the markup that should be used for a pane's content when databinding
  • DataSource - The data source to use. DataBind() must be called.
  • DataSourceID - The ID of the data source to use.
  • DataMember - The member to bind to when using a DataSourceID

  • HeaderCssClass -  CSS class name for the headers. .
  • HeaderSelectedCssClass -  CSS class name for the selected header.
  • FadeTransitions – generally True or false. True means  the fading transition effect, false means standard transitions.
  • TransitionDuration - Number of milliseconds to animate the transitions
  • FramesPerSecond - Number of frames per second used in the transition animations
  • AutoSize - Restrict the growth of the Accordion. The values of the AutoSize enumeration are described above.
  • RequireOpenedPane - Prevent closing the currently opened pane when its header is clicked (which ensures one pane is always open). The default value is true.
  • SuppressHeaderPostbacks - Prevent the client-side click handlers of elements inside a header from firing (this is especially useful when you want to include hyperlinks in your headers for accessibility)

Example of Ajax password strength Ajax password checker 

Read and write File in Read/write File in Asp.Net 

Bind Excelsheet data to Gridview Control CRUD operation in Excel database 

to download Complete Example click below download link
download here!

Wednesday 25 December 2013


            In Previous Example we already Explain that How to Craete Inner zoom Effect of the Image when mouse is over on Image using Jquery. But now in this example we Explain that How to create Inner Zoom Effect of the Image bind in Gridview or Datalist control fetching image from sqlserver database and create inner zoom effect of the image using jquery in

Generally we bind the image in Gridview from sqlserver database and when user move mouse on image inside Gridview the Effect of the Inner zoom image will be Display.

This is simply done by using this jquery function like

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
  zoomType                                         : "inner",
  cursor: "crosshair"

to show Example of How to Create Autocomplete Textbox search Autocomplete TextBox search in Ajax

to show example of Redirect the page in Javascript Redirect one page to another using Javascript

How to Read write File in Asp.Net Read/write file using C#

to Download Complete Example clickbelow image downloadlink
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Display Inner Zoom Effect of Image Bind into Gridview from Database using JQuery in Asp.Net


            In Previous Example we already Explain that How to Craete Inner zoom Effect of the Image when mouse is over on Image using Jquery. But now in this example we Explain that How to create Inner Zoom Effect of the Image bind in Gridview or Datalist control fetching image from sqlserver database and create inner zoom effect of the image using jquery in

Generally we bind the image in Gridview from sqlserver database and when user move mouse on image inside Gridview the Effect of the Inner zoom image will be Display.

This is simply done by using this jquery function like

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
  zoomType                                         : "inner",
  cursor: "crosshair"

to show Example of How to Create Autocomplete Textbox search Autocomplete TextBox search in Ajax

to show example of Redirect the page in Javascript Redirect one page to another using Javascript

How to Read write File in Asp.Net Read/write file using C#

to Download Complete Example clickbelow image downloadlink
download here!

Monday 23 December 2013


            In this Example I Explain that How to Bind Country,State and City in DropdownList From Sqlserver Database in MVC4. we Already Explain that How to Bind dropdownList in asp.Net but in MVC that is diiferant way to Bind Country,State in  DropdownList

Here we Create a Action Result Create to Fetch data from the Database and we also create a ViewBag like citybag and store country name in this bag and finally we bind them to DropdownList. Llok at this how it is possible :

   @Html.DropDownList("cnm", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.cityList,"Select Course")

In above line Define that “cnm” is the name of country and cityList contain the number of country that we are add in action Result Result Create Method.

you have to create a one table for country in Databasewith name k_country like

to show example of upload multiple file in MVC upload multiple file in database in mvc

Example of auto complete Textbox search Autocomplete Search in Ajax

To Download Complete example click below download image link

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Bind Country,state,city in DropdownList in MVC4


            In this Example I Explain that How to Bind Country,State and City in DropdownList From Sqlserver Database in MVC4. we Already Explain that How to Bind dropdownList in asp.Net but in MVC that is diiferant way to Bind Country,State in  DropdownList

Here we Create a Action Result Create to Fetch data from the Database and we also create a ViewBag like citybag and store country name in this bag and finally we bind them to DropdownList. Llok at this how it is possible :

   @Html.DropDownList("cnm", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.cityList,"Select Course")

In above line Define that “cnm” is the name of country and cityList contain the number of country that we are add in action Result Result Create Method.

you have to create a one table for country in Databasewith name k_country like

to show example of upload multiple file in MVC upload multiple file in database in mvc

Example of auto complete Textbox search Autocomplete Search in Ajax

To Download Complete example click below download image link

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Sunday 22 December 2013


            In Pevious we Already Explain How to Upload Multiple File in Database in MVC now we Explain How to Upload Multiple File in SqlServer Database Using Jquery in Asp.Net.

Here We use Generic Handler Class to Upload Multiple File in database.before we Explain we First understand the what is Generic handler Class.

What is Generic handler Class:-

            Generic handler is nothing but a same like aspx page and the extention of this file is .ashx.Generally Generic Handler class are used to Response the Request and Request is Proceed by the page Handler. You can also create your own HTTP Handler and that renders the output to the browser.

In this Example we Provide Facility to user to Browse a Multiple File at a time and Uploading all Browse File at a time with Prgressbar Facility same like provide in GMAIL when we send the Email with Atteched the File. This is simply done with JQuery and we will Requst the Response using Generic Handler.

to show Example of Javascript Validation that aalow only number in TextBox Disable all the keyboard key Excvept only Number

to show Example of Rotate the Advertise in webpage Rotate Ads without Refresh the page

to Download Complete example click below Image link

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How to Upload Multiple File with Progress Bar in Asp.Net using Jquery


            In Pevious we Already Explain How to Upload Multiple File in Database in MVC now we Explain How to Upload Multiple File in SqlServer Database Using Jquery in Asp.Net.

Here We use Generic Handler Class to Upload Multiple File in database.before we Explain we First understand the what is Generic handler Class.

What is Generic handler Class:-

            Generic handler is nothing but a same like aspx page and the extention of this file is .ashx.Generally Generic Handler class are used to Response the Request and Request is Proceed by the page Handler. You can also create your own HTTP Handler and that renders the output to the browser.

In this Example we Provide Facility to user to Browse a Multiple File at a time and Uploading all Browse File at a time with Prgressbar Facility same like provide in GMAIL when we send the Email with Atteched the File. This is simply done with JQuery and we will Requst the Response using Generic Handler.

to show Example of Javascript Validation that aalow only number in TextBox Disable all the keyboard key Excvept only Number

to show Example of Rotate the Advertise in webpage Rotate Ads without Refresh the page

to Download Complete example click below Image link

download here!

Wednesday 18 December 2013


Here I will explain how to use  Json and Jquery to submit the Form without page refresh using Ajax
In previous articles I explained How to Call Server Side Metod or code Behind Method using Json and Jquery in Asp.Net . Now I will explain how to submit the Form without refresh or reload page and also Insert,Update,Delete in Gridview without Refresh the Page using Json/Jquery in

To implement this Program  first you have to Create a table with name SampleInfoTable in your database like below to save values in database.

In this Example we provide Facility to user to perform a CRUD operation in Gridview and maintain data in Sqlserver Database without Refresh the page is simply by using the Functionality of Ajax and Json/Jquery. 

To show Example How to insert,update,delete in DataList control clikck here  CRUD operation in DataList 

 How to Bind Excelsheet Data to Gridview CRUD operation in Excelsheet Database

How to Display Layer on one Another in CSS Overlapping Layer in CSS

 to Download Complete example click the Below download Image link
download here!

Submit the Form Without Page Refresh Using Json Jquery in


Here I will explain how to use  Json and Jquery to submit the Form without page refresh using Ajax
In previous articles I explained How to Call Server Side Metod or code Behind Method using Json and Jquery in Asp.Net . Now I will explain how to submit the Form without refresh or reload page and also Insert,Update,Delete in Gridview without Refresh the Page using Json/Jquery in

To implement this Program  first you have to Create a table with name SampleInfoTable in your database like below to save values in database.

In this Example we provide Facility to user to perform a CRUD operation in Gridview and maintain data in Sqlserver Database without Refresh the page is simply by using the Functionality of Ajax and Json/Jquery. 

To show Example How to insert,update,delete in DataList control clikck here  CRUD operation in DataList 

 How to Bind Excelsheet Data to Gridview CRUD operation in Excelsheet Database

How to Display Layer on one Another in CSS Overlapping Layer in CSS

 to Download Complete example click the Below download Image link
download here!

Thursday 7 November 2013


In this Example  I will explain how we can Drag Rows from one Source GridView and then drop it in another Destination GridView in ASP.Net using jQuery.

Here we use the Jquery to simply select the row and drag it from one gridview to another gridview simply same like we drag the menuitem from List Control.

Here is a code of Jquery are as follows :

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
                items: 'tr:not(tr:first-child)',
                cursor: 'crosshair',
                connectWith: '.drag_drop_grid',
                axis: 'y',
                dropOnEmpty: true,
                receive: function (e, ui) {
            $("[id*=gvDest] tr:not(tr:first-child)").remove();

Look the above code we simply use the two method of Jquery are Append and Remove for Add and Remove item from Gridview.

to show Example of How to Upload File to Database and bind to Gridview Uplaod File and Bind to gridview

How to Read and write File in Asp.Net Read and Write File

To Create Nested Gridview in Asp.Net click here Nested Gridview example Example

Drag and Drop rows in gridview from one grid to another grid in Asp.Net using JQuery


In this Example  I will explain how we can Drag Rows from one Source GridView and then drop it in another Destination GridView in ASP.Net using jQuery.

Here we use the Jquery to simply select the row and drag it from one gridview to another gridview simply same like we drag the menuitem from List Control.

Here is a code of Jquery are as follows :

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
                items: 'tr:not(tr:first-child)',
                cursor: 'crosshair',
                connectWith: '.drag_drop_grid',
                axis: 'y',
                dropOnEmpty: true,
                receive: function (e, ui) {
            $("[id*=gvDest] tr:not(tr:first-child)").remove();

Look the above code we simply use the two method of Jquery are Append and Remove for Add and Remove item from Gridview.

to show Example of How to Upload File to Database and bind to Gridview Uplaod File and Bind to gridview

How to Read and write File in Asp.Net Read and Write File

To Create Nested Gridview in Asp.Net click here Nested Gridview example Example

Thursday 26 September 2013


            Here in this example I will Explain that How to Insert data into an XML File and read data From the XML File and Bind to the DataList control in asp.Net.

In Previous we also explain that How to insert data into an XML file and Bind to Gridview but here we use DataList Control.

First of all we understand what is XML:-

XML means Extensible markup language why we need to use this one because by using XML we can store the data and we can easily retrieve or read data from XML file and display the data without using database in our applications.
if we need to display dynamic data in our application it will take long time to conenct database and Fetch  data from the database but if we are  use XML to store data we can easily perform operations with xml file directly without using any connection or database. If we store data in database that is incompatible and need connection to some of the computer applications but if we store data in XML format it will support for all applications.
Now I will explain inserting data into xml and retrive data from XML and bind data to datalist with simple example.
to show Example of How to Bind XML data to Gridview click here Insert/Read from XML file and bind to Gridview

to Download the Complete Project plz click below Download Image Link
download here!

How to Insert Data into XML File and Bind XML Data to DataList Control in Asp.Net


            Here in this example I will Explain that How to Insert data into an XML File and read data From the XML File and Bind to the DataList control in asp.Net.

In Previous we also explain that How to insert data into an XML file and Bind to Gridview but here we use DataList Control.

First of all we understand what is XML:-

XML means Extensible markup language why we need to use this one because by using XML we can store the data and we can easily retrieve or read data from XML file and display the data without using database in our applications.
if we need to display dynamic data in our application it will take long time to conenct database and Fetch  data from the database but if we are  use XML to store data we can easily perform operations with xml file directly without using any connection or database. If we store data in database that is incompatible and need connection to some of the computer applications but if we store data in XML format it will support for all applications.
Now I will explain inserting data into xml and retrive data from XML and bind data to datalist with simple example.
to show Example of How to Bind XML data to Gridview click here Insert/Read from XML file and bind to Gridview

to Download the Complete Project plz click below Download Image Link
download here!

Wednesday 25 September 2013


            Here in this example we will Explain that how to Read and Write Text File in Asp.Net using C#.Net.

Reading and Writing text file content in it’s very simple but  we need to use name space called 

using System.IO;

The System.IO namespace contains types that allow reading and writing to files and data streams and types that provide basic file and directory support.

This is very useful Example because Read and Write file in application is very Required when we working with upload file database and again read or modify this file in database.

After that in code we will use Class File to get properties like

File.WriteAllLines: Creates a new file, writes one or more strings to the file, and then closes the file.

File.ReadAllLines: Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file into a string array, and then closes the file.

File.AppendAllText: Appends lines to a file, and then closes the file.

Here I am creating file in this path D:\kirit\MyTest.txt first I will create text file in this path after that I will read the text from this text file and I will display that text in textbox.

Design your aspx page like this

how to Read and Write Data into text file using with C#


            Here in this example we will Explain that how to Read and Write Text File in Asp.Net using C#.Net.

Reading and Writing text file content in it’s very simple but  we need to use name space called 

using System.IO;

The System.IO namespace contains types that allow reading and writing to files and data streams and types that provide basic file and directory support.

This is very useful Example because Read and Write file in application is very Required when we working with upload file database and again read or modify this file in database.

After that in code we will use Class File to get properties like

File.WriteAllLines: Creates a new file, writes one or more strings to the file, and then closes the file.

File.ReadAllLines: Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file into a string array, and then closes the file.

File.AppendAllText: Appends lines to a file, and then closes the file.

Here I am creating file in this path D:\kirit\MyTest.txt first I will create text file in this path after that I will read the text from this text file and I will display that text in textbox.

Design your aspx page like this

Sunday 22 September 2013

Here I will explain how to use Ajax password strength control to display the password strength during registration of user using


in this Example we Explain that how to use Ajax Password Strength control to check the password strength during user is fillup the Registration forn in Asp.Net.

In this Example we Create one registration page that allows users to register in website at that time I need to check the password length, number of minimum characters required and number of minimum numbers and special characters required and so more and at the same time I need to check the password strength like poor, average, good etc. To display that’s type of  requirement we used Ajax Password strength control to display password strength. 

Here we can display password strength in two styles 

      1) Text
     2) BarIndicator

Now I can explain how to show the basic password strength using Text indicatortype with Ajax passwordStrength control.

First add AjaxControlToolkit reference to your application and design your aspx page like this
There are some importtant Property of the Ajax Password Strength Control are as follows:

TargetControlID – we need to give ID of the textbox for which we need to check password strength. 

DisplayPosition – This property are used to adjust the Positioning of the strength indicator relative to the target control like TextBox.

StrengthIndicatorType – This property is used to select Strength indicator type (Text or BarIndicator)

PrefixText - This property is used display prefix text to check password range text (ex: Strength: Average) when StrengthIndicatorType=Text

TextCssClass – This property is used to apply CSS class or formatting to the text display when StrengthIndicatorType=Text

PreferredPasswordLength - This property is used to select preferred length of the password like 6 to 8 character.

MinimumNumericCharacters –This property is used to specify number of minimum numeric characters required.

MinimumSymbolCharacters - This property is used to specify number of minimum symbol characters (ex: $ ^ *) required.

RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters - This property is used to specify whether mixed case characters are required

MinimumLowerCaseCharacters - This property’s effects apply only when RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true.and that are used to Specifies the minimum number of lowercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations.

MinimumUpperCaseCharacters - This property’s effects apply only when RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true.and that are used to Specifies the minimum number of uppercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations.

TextStrengthDescriptions - This property is used to specify List of semi-colon separated descriptions used (poor; Weak; Average; Good) when StrengthIndicatorType=Text (Minimum of 2, maximum of 10; order is weakest to strongest)

CalculationWeightings - This property is used to define List of semi-colon separated numeric values used to determine the weighting of a strength characteristic. It must be total of 100. The default weighting values are defined just like this as 50;15;15;20.

BarBorderCssClass - This CSS class applied to the bar indicator's border when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator

BarIndicatorCssClass - CSS class applied to the bar indicator's inner bar when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator

HelpStatusLabelID – This Property is used to assign label ID to display help text

HelpHandleCssClass – This Property is used to assign CSSClass for help text.

HelpHandlePosition - This Property is used to define Positioning of the help handle element relative to the target control.

To show Example of Popup in Ajax click Here Modal Popup in Ajax with Asp.Net

to Show example of Nested Popup Click Here Nested Modal Popup in Ajax with Asp.Net

to show Example of AutoComplete TextBox Extender click Here AutoComplete Extender in Ajax with Asp.Net

to show Example of Password Strength Extender click Here Password Strength in Ajax with Asp.Net

Ajax password strength example for checking the password strength in AJAX with Asp.Net | Password Strength indicator in Ajax

Here I will explain how to use Ajax password strength control to display the password strength during registration of user using


in this Example we Explain that how to use Ajax Password Strength control to check the password strength during user is fillup the Registration forn in Asp.Net.

In this Example we Create one registration page that allows users to register in website at that time I need to check the password length, number of minimum characters required and number of minimum numbers and special characters required and so more and at the same time I need to check the password strength like poor, average, good etc. To display that’s type of  requirement we used Ajax Password strength control to display password strength. 

Here we can display password strength in two styles 

      1) Text
     2) BarIndicator

Now I can explain how to show the basic password strength using Text indicatortype with Ajax passwordStrength control.

First add AjaxControlToolkit reference to your application and design your aspx page like this
There are some importtant Property of the Ajax Password Strength Control are as follows:

TargetControlID – we need to give ID of the textbox for which we need to check password strength. 

DisplayPosition – This property are used to adjust the Positioning of the strength indicator relative to the target control like TextBox.

StrengthIndicatorType – This property is used to select Strength indicator type (Text or BarIndicator)

PrefixText - This property is used display prefix text to check password range text (ex: Strength: Average) when StrengthIndicatorType=Text

TextCssClass – This property is used to apply CSS class or formatting to the text display when StrengthIndicatorType=Text

PreferredPasswordLength - This property is used to select preferred length of the password like 6 to 8 character.

MinimumNumericCharacters –This property is used to specify number of minimum numeric characters required.

MinimumSymbolCharacters - This property is used to specify number of minimum symbol characters (ex: $ ^ *) required.

RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters - This property is used to specify whether mixed case characters are required

MinimumLowerCaseCharacters - This property’s effects apply only when RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true.and that are used to Specifies the minimum number of lowercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations.

MinimumUpperCaseCharacters - This property’s effects apply only when RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true.and that are used to Specifies the minimum number of uppercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations.

TextStrengthDescriptions - This property is used to specify List of semi-colon separated descriptions used (poor; Weak; Average; Good) when StrengthIndicatorType=Text (Minimum of 2, maximum of 10; order is weakest to strongest)

CalculationWeightings - This property is used to define List of semi-colon separated numeric values used to determine the weighting of a strength characteristic. It must be total of 100. The default weighting values are defined just like this as 50;15;15;20.

BarBorderCssClass - This CSS class applied to the bar indicator's border when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator

BarIndicatorCssClass - CSS class applied to the bar indicator's inner bar when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator

HelpStatusLabelID – This Property is used to assign label ID to display help text

HelpHandleCssClass – This Property is used to assign CSSClass for help text.

HelpHandlePosition - This Property is used to define Positioning of the help handle element relative to the target control.

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