Monday 21 November 2016

Delete Row with Confirmation in


In this example we explain that how to delete a row from grid view with confirmation message using code behind in we create confirmation dialog from code behind and delete or remove the rows from grid view.

Here we generate the button on click event from code behind and set the confirmation dialog box in we have requirement like to delete the rows based on row command button event with confirm dialog box at that time below code is very useful.

Delete Row with Confirmation in

Delete Row with Confirmation in


In this example we explain that how to delete a row from grid view with confirmation message using code behind in we create confirmation dialog from code behind and delete or remove the rows from grid view.

Here we generate the button on click event from code behind and set the confirmation dialog box in we have requirement like to delete the rows based on row command button event with confirm dialog box at that time below code is very useful.

Saturday 19 November 2016

Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM

In this example we explain how to get the last created records when Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM using plug-in.or how to fetch or retrieve the created records when Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM using plug-in.

Sometimes you have requirement like when lead is qualified then you need some custom logic to work then at this time this scenario is very useful for you.
So below is the plugin code to retrieve or fetch the created record when Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM

Get the Created Records When Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM Using Plug-in

Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM

In this example we explain how to get the last created records when Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM using plug-in.or how to fetch or retrieve the created records when Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM using plug-in.

Sometimes you have requirement like when lead is qualified then you need some custom logic to work then at this time this scenario is very useful for you.
So below is the plugin code to retrieve or fetch the created record when Lead is Qualified in Dynamic CRM
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Saturday 5 November 2016

Auto Calculate Age based on Date of Birth


In this example we explain that how to calculate age based on date of birth in dynamic crm using javascript.Auto Calculate Age based on Date of Birth in Dynamic CRM using javascript.i need to suto calculate age of the customer (contact entity) based on date of the this example when user change the date of birth at that time the age of the customer(contact) will be automatically calculated onchange of the date of birth event using javascript in dynamic crm.

you have to call this function on onload of the form & onchange of the birthdate so you can dynamically calculate your age as per birthdate.

Calculate Age based on Date of Birth in Dynamic CRM using javascript

Auto Calculate Age based on Date of Birth


In this example we explain that how to calculate age based on date of birth in dynamic crm using javascript.Auto Calculate Age based on Date of Birth in Dynamic CRM using javascript.i need to suto calculate age of the customer (contact entity) based on date of the this example when user change the date of birth at that time the age of the customer(contact) will be automatically calculated onchange of the date of birth event using javascript in dynamic crm.

you have to call this function on onload of the form & onchange of the birthdate so you can dynamically calculate your age as per birthdate.