Sunday 11 October 2020


Display Download Count Day,Month,Year wise


In this example we explain that how to get download count Day, Month, Year wise in a single query Using SQL Query. Or how to get download count reports of Day, Month, Year in a single query using SQL Query.

Suppose you have to display some charts or report of the website viewer or mobile app download count for Day, Moth, Year wise at that time below SQL Query is useful to get the data.

SQL Query for Counting Records per Day,Month,Year in a single view


Display Download Count Day,Month,Year wise


In this example we explain that how to get download count Day, Month, Year wise in a single query Using SQL Query. Or how to get download count reports of Day, Month, Year in a single query using SQL Query.

Suppose you have to display some charts or report of the website viewer or mobile app download count for Day, Moth, Year wise at that time below SQL Query is useful to get the data.

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Friday 2 October 2020


sql query to get month wise count


In this example we explain that how to get all Month  like Jan,Feb, Dec etc.. Using SQL Query. or how to get download count per month of the year using SQL Query. Or count records of every month in a year using SQL.or SQL query to get month wise count and display it on website or chart. or how to get count of month based on a year using SQL query.

We have requirement like display Month wise download application count in website. So achieve this below is the SQL Query that will helpful for you to get month wise download count.


SQL Query to get Count records for every month wise in a year


sql query to get month wise count


In this example we explain that how to get all Month  like Jan,Feb, Dec etc.. Using SQL Query. or how to get download count per month of the year using SQL Query. Or count records of every month in a year using SQL.or SQL query to get month wise count and display it on website or chart. or how to get count of month based on a year using SQL query.

We have requirement like display Month wise download application count in website. So achieve this below is the SQL Query that will helpful for you to get month wise download count.


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Day wise count of current Month


In this example we explain that how to get all date of the current month like 1 oct, 2 oct… 31 oct etc.. Using SQL Query. Or how to get download count per day of the current month day wise using SQL Query.

We have requirement like display day wise download application count in website. So achieve this below is the SQL Query that will helpful for you to get daily date wise download count.


How to get all dates in the current month with download count using SQL Query


Day wise count of current Month


In this example we explain that how to get all date of the current month like 1 oct, 2 oct… 31 oct etc.. Using SQL Query. Or how to get download count per day of the current month day wise using SQL Query.

We have requirement like display day wise download application count in website. So achieve this below is the SQL Query that will helpful for you to get daily date wise download count.


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Thursday 6 August 2020



In this example we explain that how to store binary Image in Database in Asp.Net Core. or how to store image in database using .Net Core. So how to save Images to database using Asp.Net Core.

So here we demonstrate that how to upload file and save file n a binary format in database using Asp.Net Core. Below is the code that will help you to save or upload file in database in .net core.

How to upload a file and save in binary format in Core



In this example we explain that how to store binary Image in Database in Asp.Net Core. or how to store image in database using .Net Core. So how to save Images to database using Asp.Net Core.

So here we demonstrate that how to upload file and save file n a binary format in database using Asp.Net Core. Below is the code that will help you to save or upload file in database in .net core.

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Wednesday 5 August 2020


In this example we explain that how to retrieve the current user logged in to Dynamic 365 CRM.or how to retrieve or get the Logged In user security Role Name in Dynamic 365 using JavaScript. Or how to get User security role name from context in Dynamic 365 using JavaScript. Or get security role name of the Logged In user using JavaScript.

So below is the JavaScript code that will help you to get the current Logged In user security role name in Dynamic 365.or how to get All Security Role Names of the Logged In User in Dynamic 365 using JavaScript.


Code :

function GetLoggedInUserSecurityRoleNames() {

 // Get Logged In User Context

 var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings;

 // Get Logged In User Security Roles

 var loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray = userSettings.securityRoles;

 var totalSecurityRolesArray = new Array();

 var allRolesName = "";


if (loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray.length > 0) {

 Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("roles", "?$select=name,roleid").then(

 function success(result) {

 if (result.entities.length > 0) {

 // Push Role Names and Role Ids to Array

 for (var rolesCount = 0; rolesCount < result.entities.length; rolesCount++) {

 totalSecurityRolesArray.push({ RoleName: result.entities[rolesCount].name, RoleId: result.entities[rolesCount].roleid });



allRolesName = userSettings.userName + " has the below Security Roles\n------------------------------------\n";


// Compare the User Security Roles with Total Security Roles

 for (var userSecurityRolesCounter = 0; userSecurityRolesCounter < loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray.length; userSecurityRolesCounter++) {

 for (var totalsecurityRolesCounter = 0; totalsecurityRolesCounter < totalSecurityRolesArray.length; totalsecurityRolesCounter++) {

 if (totalSecurityRolesArray[totalsecurityRolesCounter].RoleId.toLowerCase() == loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray[userSecurityRolesCounter].toLowerCase()) {

 allRolesName += totalSecurityRolesArray[totalsecurityRolesCounter].RoleName + "\n";







// Show User Roles

 Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(allRolesName, null);


 function (error) {

 // Show error

 Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(error.message, null);




Get the Logged In User Security Role Names using JavaScript in Dynamics 365


In this example we explain that how to retrieve the current user logged in to Dynamic 365 CRM.or how to retrieve or get the Logged In user security Role Name in Dynamic 365 using JavaScript. Or how to get User security role name from context in Dynamic 365 using JavaScript. Or get security role name of the Logged In user using JavaScript.

So below is the JavaScript code that will help you to get the current Logged In user security role name in Dynamic 365.or how to get All Security Role Names of the Logged In User in Dynamic 365 using JavaScript.


Code :

function GetLoggedInUserSecurityRoleNames() {

 // Get Logged In User Context

 var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings;

 // Get Logged In User Security Roles

 var loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray = userSettings.securityRoles;

 var totalSecurityRolesArray = new Array();

 var allRolesName = "";


if (loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray.length > 0) {

 Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("roles", "?$select=name,roleid").then(

 function success(result) {

 if (result.entities.length > 0) {

 // Push Role Names and Role Ids to Array

 for (var rolesCount = 0; rolesCount < result.entities.length; rolesCount++) {

 totalSecurityRolesArray.push({ RoleName: result.entities[rolesCount].name, RoleId: result.entities[rolesCount].roleid });



allRolesName = userSettings.userName + " has the below Security Roles\n------------------------------------\n";


// Compare the User Security Roles with Total Security Roles

 for (var userSecurityRolesCounter = 0; userSecurityRolesCounter < loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray.length; userSecurityRolesCounter++) {

 for (var totalsecurityRolesCounter = 0; totalsecurityRolesCounter < totalSecurityRolesArray.length; totalsecurityRolesCounter++) {

 if (totalSecurityRolesArray[totalsecurityRolesCounter].RoleId.toLowerCase() == loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray[userSecurityRolesCounter].toLowerCase()) {

 allRolesName += totalSecurityRolesArray[totalsecurityRolesCounter].RoleName + "\n";







// Show User Roles

 Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(allRolesName, null);


 function (error) {

 // Show error

 Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(error.message, null);


