Saturday, 24 September 2016

SQL Query to remove whitespace character from string in SQL Server.

Description: In this example we explain that how to TRIM the string in SQL Server or how to remove the white space in string in SQL Server.SQL Query to remove the white space character from string [...]
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Reverse the String in SQL Server.

Description: In this example we explain that how to Reverse the string in SQL Server or how to fetch string in reverse  order from SQL Server.SQL Query to reverse the string or fetch the string [...]
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SQL function to remove non numeric characters

Description: In this example we explain that how to remove non numeric character from string in SQL Server.or fetch the string without non alphabet character or removing non numeric character from [...]
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SQL function to remove non alphabet characters

Description: In this example we explain that how to remove non alphabet character from string in SQL Server.or fetch the string without non alphabet character or removing non alphabet character [...]
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Sunday, 18 September 2016

SQL Query to delete all stored procedures in SQL Server

Description: In this example we explain that how to delete all stored procedure in SQL Server.or remove all the stored procedure from SQL Server.SQL Query to remove all the stored procedure from [...]
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Thursday, 15 September 2016

Get file name from file path in SQL

Description: In this example we explain that how to Get file name from file full path in SQL Server.or hoe to fetch the file name from the SQL we know that we will store the full path [...]
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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

SQL Query to delete all view in SQL Server

Description: In this example we explain that how to delete all views in SQL server or how to remove all View in SQL Server.below is the SQL Query to remove all the views form SQL Server. Here [...]
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Monday, 12 September 2016

Check given date is weekend or not in sql

Description: In this example we explain that how to find given date is weekend or not or check inputed date is weekend or not in SQLServer.SQL Query to check given date is weekend or not. Here [...]
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Saturday, 10 September 2016

SQL Query to reset the Identity

Description: In this example we explain that how to reset the identity of table in SQL Server.or Reset identity seed after deleting records in SQL Server.or How to RESET identity column values in [...]
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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

JQuery Date Picker example to disable previous dates.

Description: In this example we explain that how to disable previous dates in datepicker using jQuery.or how to disable previous date in Date picker in jQuery in all know that the basic [...]

Saturday, 3 September 2016