Thursday 21 December 2017

sql query to convert row into columns with join two tables

sql query to convert row into columns with join two tables


In this example we explain that how to converting Rows to Columns in SQL Server. Or how to create PIVOT in SQL Server query to convert rows to column. Or how to create columns dynamically in SQL Server. Or how to generate column based on other table in SQL Server. Or SQL Query to convert rows to columns(PIVOT).

So here we demonstrate that join two table and convert rows to columns in SQL server. Or how to convert Rows from multiple tables into columns with values in SQL Server.

Below is the SQL Query to convert rows to column from other table in SQL Server.

select gl.*,  ds.[Dimension Code],ds.[Dimension Value ID] from [2016_SCHWEITZER_PROD].dbo.[011_SCHWEITZER MANUFAKTUR_IT$G_L Budget Entry] as gl left join [2016_SCHWEITZER_PROD].dbo.[011_SCHWEITZER MANUFAKTUR_IT$Dimension Set Entry] as ds on gl.[Dimension Set ID]=ds.[Dimension Set ID]  -- WHERE gl.[Entry No_] = 786
)as t
       max([Dimension Value ID])
       FOR [Dimension Code] IN ([1CCT],[2CCR],[3ICO],[4PFC],[5DEP],[6SMX]  )
) AS P

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