Monday 13 November 2017

Bind Dropdown on Selection Change of Another Dropdown in Dynamic CRM.

Bind Dropdown on Selection Change of Another Dropdown in Dynamic CRM.


In this example we explain that how to make Country and State field into Dropdown List in Dynamic CRM.or how to bind the State based on the Country Selection Dropdown list in Dynamic CRM.or how to bind the Dropdown List based on other Dropdown List Selection changed in Dynamic CRM.

Here we demonstrate that dropdown value of a field changing with another dropdown value in Dynamic CRM using JavcaScript.or bind dropdown on selection change of another dropdown in Dynamic CRM.or populate the dropdown list values based on another dropdown list in Dynamic CRM.or filtering the dynamic CRM dropdown value based on another dropdown using JavaScript.

Here just call “LoadCountryField” function in Form Load event and pass the parameter like ‘address1_country’,’address1_stateorpovince’


<script type="text/javascript">
    // Configures the country field to be a dropdown based on the Country object.
    function LoadCountryField(countryFieldName, stateFieldName) {
        var $countryField = $('#' + countryFieldName);
        if ($countryField.length < 1) return;
        var selectedCountry = $countryField.val();
        var countryRequirementLevel = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getRequiredLevel();
        countryRequirementLevel = countryRequirementLevel == "required" ? 2 : countryRequirementLevel == "recommended" ? 1 : 0;
        var $countryDropdown = generateSelectBox('ddl_' + countryFieldName, countryRequirementLevel, Countries, selectedCountry);
        $('#' + countryFieldName + '_d').append($countryDropdown);
        $countryDropdown.change({ 'countryFieldName': countryFieldName, 'stateFieldName': stateFieldName }, handleCountryChanged);
        document.getElementById('ddl_' + countryFieldName).tabIndex = document.getElementById(countryFieldName).tabIndex;
        LoadStateField(stateFieldName, selectedCountry);
    // Configures the stateOrProvince field to be a dropdown dependent on the value of the country dropdown. Values are pulled from the Countries object.
    function LoadStateField(stateFieldName, selectedCountry) {
        var stateAttr = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName);
        var selectedState = stateAttr == null ? "" : stateAttr.getValue();
        var states = getStatesForCountry(selectedCountry);
        var $stateField = $('#' + stateFieldName);
        if (states == null || !$.isArray(states) || states.length < 1) {
            $('#ddl_' + stateFieldName).remove();
        var stateRequirementLevel = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).getRequiredLevel();
        stateRequirementLevel = stateRequirementLevel == "required" ? 2 : stateRequirementLevel == "recommended" ? 1 : 0;
        var $stateDropdown = generateSelectBox('ddl_' + stateFieldName, stateRequirementLevel, states, selectedState);
        var $existingDropdown = $('#ddl_' + stateFieldName);
        if ($existingDropdown.length < 1)
            $('#' + stateFieldName + '_d').append($stateDropdown);
        $stateDropdown.change({ 'stateFieldName': stateFieldName }, handleStateChanged);
        document.getElementById('ddl_' + stateFieldName).tabIndex = document.getElementById(stateFieldName).tabIndex;
    // Finds the states that go with selectedCountry, using the Countries object.
    function getStatesForCountry(selectedCountry) {
        for (i in Countries) {
            var country = Countries[i];
            if (selectedCountry ==
                return country.states;
        return [];
    // Sets the value of the country field to the newly selected value and reconfigures the dependent state dropdown.
    function handleCountryChanged(eventData) {
        var stateFieldName =;
        var selectedCountry = setFieldFromDropdown(;
        LoadStateField(stateFieldName, selectedCountry);
    // Sets the value of the stateOrProvince field to the newly selected value
    function handleStateChanged(eventData) {
    // Sets a field's value based on a related dropdown's value
    function setFieldFromDropdown(fieldName) {
        var $dropdown = $('#ddl_' + fieldName);
        if ($dropdown.length != 1) return null;
        var selectedValue = $dropdown.find('option:selected:first').val();
        var attr = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(fieldName);
        if (attr != null) attr.setValue(selectedValue);
        return selectedValue;
    // Generates a new select box with appropriate attributes for MS CRM 2011.
    function generateSelectBox(id, requirementLevel, options, selectedValue) {
        var $ddl = $('<select id="' + id + '" class="ms-crm-SelectBox" req="' + requirementLevel + '" height="4" style="IME-MODE: auto; width: 100%"></select>');
        $.each(options, function (i, item) {
            if (selectedValue ==
                $ddl.find('option:last').attr('selected', 'selected');
        return $ddl;
    // Global array of countries and their respective states
    var Countries = [
                    { "name": "United States", "abbr": "US", "states": [{ "name": "Alabama", "abbr": "AL" },
                                                                        { "name": "Alaska", "abbr": "AK" },
                                                                        { "name": "Arizona", "abbr": "AZ" },
                                                                        { "name": "Arkansas", "abbr": "AR" },
                                                                        { "name": "California", "abbr": "CA" },
                                                                        { "name": "Colorado", "abbr": "CO" },
                                                                        { "name": "Connecticut", "abbr": "CT" },
                                                                        { "name": "Delaware", "abbr": "DE" },
                                                                        { "name": "District Of Columbia", "abbr": "DC" },
                                                                        { "name": "Florida", "abbr": "FL" },
                                                                        { "name": "Georgia", "abbr": "GA" },
                                                                        { "name": "Hawaii", "abbr": "HI" },
                                                                        { "name": "Idaho", "abbr": "ID" },
                                                                        { "name": "Illinois", "abbr": "IL" },
                                                                        { "name": "Indiana", "abbr": "IN" },
                                                                        { "name": "Iowa", "abbr": "IA" },
                                                                        { "name": "Kansas", "abbr": "KS" },
                                                                        { "name": "Kentucky", "abbr": "KY" },
                                                                        { "name": "Louisiana", "abbr": "LA" },
                                                                        { "name": "Maine", "abbr": "ME" },
                                                                        { "name": "Maryland", "abbr": "MD" },
                                                                        { "name": "Massachusetts", "abbr": "MA" },
                                                                        { "name": "Michigan", "abbr": "MI" },
                                                                        { "name": "Minnesota", "abbr": "MN" },
                                                                        { "name": "Mississippi", "abbr": "MS" },
                                                                        { "name": "Missouri", "abbr": "MO" },
                                                                        { "name": "Montana", "abbr": "MT" },
                                                                        { "name": "Nebraska", "abbr": "NE" },
                                                                        { "name": "Nevada", "abbr": "NV" },
                                                                        { "name": "New Hampshire", "abbr": "NH" },
                                                                        { "name": "New Jersey", "abbr": "NJ" },
                                                                        { "name": "New Mexico", "abbr": "NM" },
                                                                        { "name": "New York", "abbr": "NY" },
                                                                        { "name": "North Carolina", "abbr": "NC" },
                                                                        { "name": "North Dakota", "abbr": "ND" },
                                                                        { "name": "Ohio", "abbr": "OH" },
                                                                        { "name": "Oklahoma", "abbr": "OK" },
                                                                        { "name": "Oregon", "abbr": "OR" },
                                                                        { "name": "Pennsylvania", "abbr": "PA" },
                                                                        { "name": "Puerto Rico", "abbr": "PR" },
                                                                        { "name": "Rhode Island", "abbr": "RI" },
                                                                        { "name": "South Carolina", "abbr": "SC" },
                                                                        { "name": "South Dakota", "abbr": "SD" },
                                                                        { "name": "Tennessee", "abbr": "TN" },
                                                                        { "name": "Texas", "abbr": "TX" },
                                                                        { "name": "Utah", "abbr": "UT" },
                                                                        { "name": "Vermont", "abbr": "VT" },
                                                                        { "name": "Virgin Islands", "abbr": "VI" },
                                                                        { "name": "Virginia", "abbr": "VA" },
                                                                        { "name": "Washington", "abbr": "WA" },
                                                                        { "name": "West Virginia", "abbr": "WV" },
                                                                        { "name": "Wisconsin", "abbr": "WI" },
                                                                        { "name": "Wyoming", "abbr": "WY"}]
{ "name": "Canada", "abbr": "CA", "states": [{ "name": "Alberta", "abbr": "AB" },
                                                                    { "name": "British Columbia", "abbr": "BC" },
                                                                    { "name": "Manitoba", "abbr": "MB" },
                                                                    { "name": "New Brunswick", "abbr": "NB" },
                                                                    { "name": "Newfoundland and Labrador", "abbr": "NL" },
                                                                    { "name": "Northwest Territories", "abbr": "NT" },
                                                                    { "name": "Nova Scotia", "abbr": "NS" },
                                                                    { "name": "Nunavut", "abbr": "NU" },
                                                                    { "name": "Ontario", "abbr": "ON" },
                                                                    { "name": "Prince Edward Island", "abbr": "PE" },
                                                                    { "name": "Quebec", "abbr": "QC" },
                                                                    { "name": "Saskatchewan", "abbr": "SK" },
                                                                    { "name": "Yukon", "abbr": "YT"}]
{ "name": "Mexico", "abbr": "MX", "states": [
                          { "name": "Aguascalientes", "abbr": "AGS" },
                          { "name": "Baja California Norte", "abbr": "BCN" },
                          { "name": "Baja California Sur", "abbr": "BCS" },
                          { "name": "Campeche", "abbr": "CAM" },
                          { "name": "Chiapas", "abbr": "CHIS" },
                          { "name": "Chihuahua", "abbr": "CHIH" },
                          { "name": "Coahuila", "abbr": "COAH" },
                          { "name": "Colima", "abbr": "COL" },
                          { "name": "Distrito Federal", "abbr": "DF" },
                          { "name": "Durango", "abbr": "DGO" },
                          { "name": "Guanajuato", "abbr": "GTO" },
                          { "name": "Guerrero", "abbr": "GRO" },
                          { "name": "Hidalgo", "abbr": "HGO" },
                          { "name": "Jalisco", "abbr": "JAL" },
                          { "name": "México - Estado de", "abbr": "EDM" },
                          { "name": "Michoacán", "abbr": "MICH" },
                          { "name": "Morelos", "abbr": "MOR" },
                          { "name": "Nayarit", "abbr": "NAY" },
                          { "name": "Nuevo León", "abbr": "NL" },
                          { "name": "Oaxaca", "abbr": "OAX" },
                          { "name": "Puebla", "abbr": "PUE" },
                          { "name": "Querétaro", "abbr": "QRO" },
                          { "name": "Quintana Roo", "abbr": "QROO" },
                          { "name": "San Luis Potosí", "abbr": "SLP" },
                          { "name": "Sinaloa", "abbr": "SIN" },
                          { "name": "Sonora", "abbr": "SON" },
                          { "name": "Tabasco", "abbr": "TAB" },
                          { "name": "Tamaulipas", "abbr": "TAMPS" },
                          { "name": "Tlaxcala", "abbr": "TLAX" },
                          { "name": "Veracruz", "abbr": "VER" },
                          { "name": "Yucatán", "abbr": "YUC" },
                          { "name": "Zacatecas", "abbr": "ZAC"}]
{ "name": "Other International", "abbr": "OINT", "states": [] }


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