Tuesday 4 July 2017

displaying similar quote products in a subgrid by using FetchXML

displaying similar quote products in a subgrid by using FetchXML


In this example we explain that how to displaying similar quote products in a subgrid based on order using FetchXML in Dynamic CRM. Or how to bind similar quote products in a subgrid based on the selection or onchage of the Quote using FetchXML and JavaScript in Dynamic CRM.

Suppose you have requirement like when they selected a product they then want to see previous quotes with same product that they have selected with price and quantity they have sold for.

So below is the code that demonstrate how to bind or populate the subgrid based on the Lookup change or filtered the subgrid data based on Lookup onChange event.


function UpdateSubGrid() {
var quoteGrid = document.getElementById("Quote_Products");
var productId = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("productid").getValue();
if (productId != null){
//If this method is called from the form OnLoad, make sure that the grid is loaded before proceeding
 if (quoteGrid == null) {
 //The subgrid hasn't loaded, wait 1 second and then try again
 setTimeout('UpdateSubGrid()', 1000);

var fetchXml = ""
+ " <entity name='quotedetail'>"
+ " <attribute name='productid' />"
+ " <attribute name='productdescription' />"
+ " <attribute name='priceperunit' />"
+ " <attribute name='quantity' />"
+ " <attribute name='extendedamount' />"
+ " <attribute name='salesrepid' />"
+ " <attribute name='uomid' />"
+ " <attribute name='manualdiscountamount' />"
+ " <attribute name='baseamount' />"
+ " <attribute name='new_quoteid' />"
+ " <attribute name='quotedetailid' />"
+ " <order attribute='productid' descending='false' />"
+ " <filter type='and'>"
+ " <condition attribute='productid' operator='eq' uiname='1 Function Easy Clean Mini Kit' "
+ " uitype='product' value='" + productId[0].id +"' />"
+ " </filter>"
+ " <link-entity name='quote' from='quoteid' to='quoteid' visible='true' link-type='outer' alias='a_ff5a49bd001a45f7a14dd99a28f37f91'>"
+ " <attribute name='customerid' />"
+ " <attribute name='name' />"
+ " <attribute name='quotenumber' />"
+ " <attribute name='quoteid' />"
+ " </link-entity>"
+ " <link-entity name='product' from='productid' to='productid' visible='false' link-type='outer' alias='a_e0b689bded554f07ab0b241a932d482e'>"
+ " <attribute name='productnumber' />"
+ " </link-entity>"
+ " </entity>"
+ "</fetch>";
 // alert(fetchXml);
 //Inject the new fetchXml
 quoteGrid.control.setParameter("fetchXml", fetchXml);
 //Force the subgrid to refresh


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