Tuesday, 25 October 2016

How to call c# web Page_Load() in javascript function

Description: In this example we explain that how to call Page_Load post back from JavaScript or how to call C# web Page_Load () in JavaScript function or raising post back using _doPostBack () function [...]

How to get the full file path from asp:FileUpload?

Description: In this example we explain that how select folder path in asp.net using C# or how to get path of selected file in asp.net.how to browse file and get file path in asp.net.or how to get [...]

Monday, 24 October 2016

Select or Browse folder in asp.net

Description: in this example we explain that how select folder in asp.net using C# or how to browse folder in asp.net.example to demonstrate how to browse folder in file upload control in asp.net.or [...]

Friday, 21 October 2016

display alert and confirm dialog for Dynamic CRM tablets.

Description: In this example we explain that how to use alertDialog and confirmDialog to display messages to users In dynamic crm. Or how to display alert box or alert dialog box in CRM for tablets [...]
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Saturday, 15 October 2016

Dynamics CRM Alert and Notification JavaScript Methods

Description: In this example we explain that how to display Notification message in Dynamic CRM. before CRM 2013 if you want to alert to user only standard JavaScript alert is supported and in [...]
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Call workflow from javascript or jQuery in Dynamic CRM

Description: In this example we explain that how to call workflow from javascript or jQuery in dynamic crm.sometime we have requirement like we have to call the workflow based on some condition [...]
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Friday, 14 October 2016

Primary key validation in C#

Description: in this example we explain that how to validate primary key in C# like suppose if user enter duplicate primary key then sqlException is raised or throw from ADO.Net so end user cannot [...]
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Friday, 7 October 2016

Dynamically change the year of copyright in website in asp.net

Description: In this example we explain that how to dynamically change the copyright year in any website or any blog in asp.net. In every website or web application we define the copyright in [...]

Convert JSON Date to Standard Date Format in asp.net

Description: In this example we explain that how to convert JSON date to normal date in asp.net or convert JSON return date to asp.net date and time format. Many developers have a question like [...]

Convert Rows to columns using 'Pivot' in SQL Server

Description: In this example we explain that how to covert rows to column and column to rows in SQL Server.SQL Query to convert row data to column in SQL Server.sql query to display row data to [...]
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Thursday, 6 October 2016

display sum of revenue of opportunity in label in Dynamic CRM

Description: In this example we explain that how to display the total sum of all open opportunities on the dashboard. Or display the total sum of revenue of all opportunities in label format in [...]
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Sunday, 2 October 2016

Sending recurring reminder emails using Dynamic CRM

Description: In this example we explain that how to send email on daily basis to sales team from Dynamic CRM.or how to sneding recurring reminder emails to sales team using tasks entity in dynamic [...]
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Saturday, 1 October 2016