Saturday, 30 April 2016

Sunday, 17 April 2016

SQL Query to get the values of an option set of Dynamic CRM

Description: In this example we explain that how to get Option set values from SQL Server in an application outside dynamic CRM. Or how to fetch the text value of the option set (Dropdown list) [...]
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How to fetch all product attached in Invoice of the product grid in Dynamic CRM.

Description:   In this example we explain that how to fetch all product attached in Invoice of the product grid in Dynamic CRM. Dynamic CRM to fetch all products items attached with Order/Invoice [...]
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Difference between Label and Literal control in Asp.Net

Description: In this example we explain that what is the difference between Label and Literal control in Asp.Net. Or where and when to use Label control and when to use Literal control in Below [...]

set Dropdown List Selected Value (Text) based on text /value in using jQuery

Description:- In this example we explain that how to set Dropdown List Selected Value (Text) based on text /value in using jQuery. Or set Dropdown List selected value or text using jQuery. [...]

Saturday, 9 April 2016

jQuery AJAX: Async False (Synchronous call) and Async True (Asynchronous call) difference

Description: In this example we explain that what is the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous call in AJAX using jQuery.Synchronous call is fired when async is set to false and Asynchronous [...]

Sunday, 3 April 2016